Analytical expertises:

Many different analytical methods are used to determine the durability of polymeric materials. These are related to determinations in the physical state of the polymeric materials, (including surface changes), determinations in the environment the material is degrading  and analytical methods to determine chemical changes in the polymeric material.  

Experience which method to use and interpretation of results from the following analytical evaluation methods is part of my expertise:

  • Changes in the physical state
    • Mechanical measurements
      • Tensile, impact, di-electrical,  .....
    • Surface Changes
      • Colour, gloss, roughness, microscopy (including SEM and TEM)
  • Determination of changes in the environment
    • Oxygen uptake methods
    • (Oxy-)luminescence
    • Head space analysis (including mass spectrometry)
    • Thermal analysis
  • Analytical methods to detect chemical changes in the polymer 
    • Molecular weight determination (GPC, solution viscosity, gel content)
    • Chemical modification (ATR, FT-IR, UV-VIS, NMR, hydroperoxide determinations, chemical derivatization techniques}
    • Stabilizer type and concentration measurements